Sleep analysis

  • A detailed health questionnaire that covers numerous possible causes for your sleep problems. (An exclusivity of Côté Santé)
  • Latest generation monitors that detect sleep disorders that other devices don't record.
  • Recommendations developed by a team of pneumologists, under the supervision of a medical director trained specifically on sleep. They will look for links between your fatigue and other health conditions, such as allergies or headaches.

A third of women suffer from sleep apnea, which is often under-diagnosed due to less visible symptoms.


People with insomnia also have sleep apnea

1. Source: Statistics Canada, Sleep Apnea in Canada, 2016 and 2017, Catalogue N82-625-X, ISSN 1920-8774

More than one man in four is likely to suffer from obstructive sleep apnea.¹

2. Data derived from Arch Int Med 2002 Young

half of sleep apnea sufferers don't snore regularly, showing that this disorder can be present without any obvious signs.²